For the use of costumes in the film I will be deciding what both characters will wear, the boy and the girl. I will be giving a detailed insight to what the
In this lesson we decided to go out and take location shots for our music video. We acquired a camera and headed to the park which we will be filming in. We chose this park sheerly because it is a great place for us to film and it will be significant to our work. Once we arrived we discussed which areas would be most effective to film in and then we decided to take several pictures of the places which we believe we will be using. We also went into a restaurant and asked for permission for if we are allowed to film in there one day next week. Unfortunately we will have to wait for confirmation if we are allowed to film. Onc the screenshots were taken we went back into school and uploaded them onto the Mac's so that we could then upload them to our blogs. We then started to sketch the plans for our digipack as this is a piece of work which will be needed for our production. We sketched and discussed possible ideas that we could do.
These are the images we took when we went out to take location shots. This is only one of our few locations, we chose to take images of this one as this will be the one which will be featured/used most in our recording. This location will be significant to our recording because the area is very spacious which can help raise the theme of lonliness and being distant from someone. Seeing as this will be the location which will be used we had to acquire many different shots to help us find the ones which will be best when we are filming.
In this lesson we knew we had to begin filming very soon as we had completed almost every task around filming. We began by discussing the roles each member of the group will do. We discussed between ourselves who is best at particular roles so that we can all obtain our own individul roles. This is a good idea whereas if we didn't do this it would be unorganised and two people could take the same role resulting in work being undone due to poor organiation. We then organised when and where we will be taking our location shots, this is important because we will have to require permission to record in certain places. To enable to film we have to e-mail different people/businesses asking if we are allowed permission to record in a certain spot. We have planne to take location shots by going to the location and taking pictures of the spots we plan to use. We then discussed the days we will be filming, we have orgnaised date with Google calender and added on there the days hen we will record. It will alert us on the days of our recording.
This lesson we created our presentation about the brief of our film and then presented infront of our class and it was also recorded. We begun by structuring our presentation so that we were clear on what we were going to say when presenting it in class. We created the presentation and we ensured to include all the important features such as the story behind the music or how we will use the mise-en-scene to connote this. Also we had to create an audience profile too. The audience profile is simply writing descriptively about the audience of people we believe will listen to our artist. When we were making this presentation we had to consider that we couldn't be vague and write out a few plans we had. We had to be descriptive about what our plans are to our audience, we have to tell them what we are creating and how everything will link together such as clothing and lighting. When we had finished and completed the presentation we went to class and each group assessed eachothers work. Once our work was assessed by the teacher and the students everyone gave their psoitive/negative feedback and asked us questions. We then took every suggestion and reccomendation into account so that when we record the music video will be as good as possible.
Once we had completed the storyboard and we finalised everything I acquired a camera and took pictures of each image (there was approximately 65 pictures altogether). Once I took the pictures we uploaded them onto the Mac's and put them into Final Cut Pro so that we could edit them with the song. What we are creating is called our 'animatic', this is where we simply had to edit the pictures with the song which shows our plan for when we start shooting. We used the storyboard to help us with our editing, we made sure everything fitted together perfectly as we didn't want to have any mistakes in the animatic as would make the filming more confusing and difficult. To ensure this we listened song carefully to make sure our shots covered over the instrumentals of the song as well as the lyrics. After finishing editing this in final cut we then had to present the animatic to our teacher so that we could receive a response about the positive and negative aspects of the animatic. After receiving the teachers response we have to ensure that we take what she has said into account so that we make the plan for our filing as good as it can possibly be.
For this lesson we began to design our storyboards. We decided to do a 'scrap storyboard' as we wanted our main storyboard to be as sharp and accurate as possible. For our scrap storyboard we created approximately 50 boxes of pictures and a brief sum of writing and describing beside it. Once we completed our scrap storyboard we all discussed and analysed the changes we were planning to make. We done this as we couldn't afford to make any mistakes so we thought it was best if we discussed before we went on to create the proper storyboard. When we created our main storyboard we ensure all our drawings were as good as possible and we made sure we were specific when describing each shot. We had to sync the shots in time with the song so we had to write down: the timing of each shot, type of shot, movement and any other notes included with it. Once we completed all slides we filled in the correct colour on each shot and then doubled checked to make sure everything was fine.